kellee smith

Welcome to my photography blog.
This blog is so much fun for me as an artist, and I am so excited to continually add new images!
I hope you enjoy it, and make sure to put it in your list of favorites and check back often.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Vegas or Bust...

I am very excited to be heading to Vegas this week. I will be attending the largest photography convention in the world! I am meeting some great friends there and can't wait to see other friends from all around the country.

I will be back in the office on March 20th. If you need anything I will not be checking my email, so please call or text me!


1 comment:

Shellee Draper said...

I've seen all these faces before and sometimes I even have nightmares. . . kidding. . . but I've never seen them in this particular order. You know, Dan and Jason would say that we change our moods about this fast, so I'm not sure I want Jas to see this. Hilarious. Z and T are going to watch this again and again.